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March Goal Post

This month, I really want to focus on what my end product will be. Mrs. Gergen and Mr. Bott and I have thrown around the idea of a complete buyer's guide to ethical shopping, and while I think that's a good idea, I want to take it to the next level. More and more of my thinking has been shifting towards identifying the problems those of us in tighter financial situations might endure when trying to shop ethically. I think my end product will most likely end up being a buyer's guide for university students since I am most familiar with that demographic. This is not to say that the guide still won't be largely applicable to other demographics in similar financial situations.

I'm thinking that it will be divided into chapters or sections, where each section is dedicated to a different category of consumable goods (food, clothing, school supplies, technology, dorm necessities, etc.) as well as general tips for sustainable living while in college.

What's important to do focus on now is doing the "backwork", so to speak. I need to take March to focus on researching all of the categories it will include as well as making the options presented as affordable as possible. This will also help me beef up the amount of research I'm doing journal-wise, which is helpful.

Goals for March:

-Identify the categories the guide will include

-Decide how the guide will be published

-Research each category thoroughly

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