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February Goal Post

Now that February is here, it's crunch time for research and thinking. My main goals for this month are to debunk more myths about ethical consumerism and look at the parameters of what ethical consumerism really is. I'll do this by analyzing articles and studies related to the ethical market and the downfalls of prominent industries (Food/Agriculture, Fashion, etc) as well as weighing the pros and cons of their practices.

I also plan to get at least one more interview secured- hopefully with a professor with knowledge on the topic. I'll continue to contact universities in the area this month.

I've also been thinking more about my end product. So far, it's looking like it'll be a infographic guide to conscious consumerism in physical as well as digital format. I know teens will be the intended demographic, mainly because that's where my ethos lies. This will take more research, thinking, and listening to teens and parents of teens about their concerns and habits as ethical consumers.

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