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December Goal Post

Now that my work for the year has a better focus, there is much to do in the way of research and thinking. From hereon out, I need to strike the balance between the psychology and economics of ethical consumerism to understand it in the depth I need to for E=Mc2.

My first order of business will be completing the January project with Taniya, which I'm super excited about! Taniya is researching the connection between personality and genetics. Our research overlaps in myriad ways, but looking at it from the perspective of how environment and upbringing can impact consumerist habits is the most prominent correlation that comes to mind. I could also see building upon how personality might affect consumerism- a link between sensitivity and more awareness of ethical consumerism...something along those lines.

For my next few journals, I want to keep focusing on Tima's questions for me as well as elaborating on any interesting new articles I find. I enjoyed talking about the economics behind Whole Foods as part of an answer to one of Tima's questions, so I'm looking into something like that as a potential next journal. I also plan on doing a display case outside the library for my January SDA.

Overall, I'm becoming increasingly happier with how my research is going. I feel much more focused and motivated but I know I have a long way to go.

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