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November Goal Post

November has been by most successful month in Emc2 so far. My project finally has a focus and I'm getting into the deeper thinking my topic requires. To show the work I've done so far, my SDA will be a mock-bathroom cabinet filled with standard American household toiletrees. Baby Powder, Contact Solution, Shaving Cream, Body Wash, Shampoo, and Conditioner are just a few of the things I want to investigate and include. I will be doing a brief write up on each product detailing its source, its price compared to an ethically sound option if it proves to be unethical, and other factors to determine its "true cost."

As far as goals beyond this month, I want to start answering some of the questions Tima had for me. Her questions are ones that I think will help guide me and prevent too much bias in my project. I also want to think about focusing in on a specific market, like household products, clothes, or food, or even two markets .Focusing is essential with a topic like this. I also plan to write more journals moving forward- now that I know how much time needs to be delegated to all of my classes since the first quarter is done, I can schedule in more time to focus on my project.

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