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Journal 19

For this journal assignment, the students in E=Mc2 were asked to look at another student's journals and ask them 20 questions. I took a look at Ved's journals and was blown away: Ved has been working on a robot that can see. Here are my questions for him:

1. In your first journal, you talk about how useful a robot could be around the house. What do you see a household robot doing?

2. What demographic, industry, or specific group do you see benefitting from this robot?

3. You mention in your second journal that you've already built a test robot. Tell me about it!

4. What kinds of "basic tasks in industry" do visually capable robots perform?

5. How did you learn to code for the purpose of robotics? What types of things did you need to learn?

6. Your claim on your homepage mentions the morals and ethics of machine learning. What does this entail?

7. Could vision-based intelligence be considered a threat to the human job market?

8. What are some cons and solutions to these cons of the presence of VBI?

9. How would you improve Mandibl3s or a similar robot going forward?

10. Can you tell me more about your process for programming a vision-based robot to do something? (i.e: How exactly do you make Mandibl3s move, perform actions, etc?)

11. In your journal "Beginnings", you talk about total autonomy of your project. What exactly does total autonomy mean to you? What is holding you back from that? Do you feel like you are closer to that now?

12. Do smart robots give people an incentive to be dumber? In other words, will we over-rely on robots in your opinion?

13. Would vision-based planes be more or less equipped to deal with human conflict like terrorism?

14. Could vision-based robots replace seeing eye dogs? What are the pros and cons of this?

15. What do you consider unethical in machine learning? Do you see unethical things happening?

16. How expensive are vision-based robots currently? Do you predict that they will become cheaper or pricier? Why?

17. Where do you see your discoveries going in the future? What else do you hope to accomplish along the way?

18. Aside from your own project, where do you hope to see the future of VBI going as a whole?

19. What are some of the struggles you've faced with your research so far? How did you deal with it?

20. Have you started planning the design for your next robot? Elaborate.

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