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October Goal Post

October got off to a weird start. I haven't been as focused as I'd like to be, so my first goal is to change that. I really want to improve on time management and organization. From now on, I will assign myself individual due dates for each journal much like a teacher would assign individual components of one project to different due dates. I might also make myself a mock schedule to plan with that lists journal ideas, SDAs, and times I need to do website improvements by.

The next thing to discuss is my October SDA. Mr. Nooney has been kind enough to set up an interview for me with Mr. Carkner of the custodial department. I plan to discuss a brief history to his knowledge of chemical cleaners at GHS as well as what we use now. The goal of the interview is both to gain more specified knowledge of the cleaners we use at school as well as learn how it directly affects the custodial department. Have we run into problems with cleaners? What role does cost play in what cleaners we use? These are all things I plan to investigate. I will most likely report this in a video format and record the interview via taking notes.

As my research grows, I'm beginning to visualize more of a tangible end product. After finding ways we could cost effectively minimize our impact on the environment and perhaps even positively effect our health, I hope to make a presentation about my findings and ideas and present them to the applicable audience. (Board of education is my guess.) My "reach" goal would be to extend this to a community setting where the heads of local business and offices could hear my presentation. The overall goal is to positively impact the environment and health of the community and this is just one of the ways I could do so.

As far as other minor goals, I will be starting a research log on my site. The goal is to have that up as soon as possible. If it's not at least given its own page on my site within the next hour, it will most certainly be up with weekend. Here's to moving forward, getting more focused, getting primary source information, and creating a lasting impact on the school and community.

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