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Summer Interview with Ben

Five days ago, I sat down with Ben Goes for my summer interview assignment. We met at Starbucks for the purpose of this discourse. I could feel the same anxiety that was simmering in my stomach as I was heading to Starbucks explode into a burst of nervous Mikayla-ing. I am absolutely awful at interviews, or talking about myself in general really. No wonder I didn't get much out of therapy. I was fine soon after, it just took me a minute to be present. Mr. Smart Law Student Man asked the questions and I gave him answers.

To explain why I was so nervous for this interview, "better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." I'm always so worried that I'm not as smart as my cohorts. I'm the youngest person in most activities I do- in the majority of my friend groups, in dance classes I used to take, you know the drill. E=Mc2 is no exception. Everyone in E=Mc2 is incredibly kind and welcoming, yet I can't help but feel I have lots of learning to do before I acquire the general range of brain power as others around me. (Take my word for it, you guys are really smart.)

Ben and I soon got to talking about everything from the definition of knowledge to those friends who depend on you just a little too much. This was around the point in the interview where I could relax- I wasn't on trial and I'm not dumb. It's just discussion. Ben even noticed my knowledge and passion for marine conservation, enough so that I changed my topic to it. We continued to talk about college, U.S. presidents, economics, even delving into religion and the Prime Mover theory by the end of it. It was a really intriguing discussion.

This interview helped me learn that smart people aren't scary and I don't have to be intimidated by knowledgeable people. Discuss, think, grow. Ask questions, because learning the answer is the only way to get smarter.

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