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Journal 2: Happiness

As another hectic Wednesday nearly comes to a close, I feel like there's no better time to write about something that's been on my mind. Chances are it's on your mind too, and everyone else's. Stress! What stresses us out? Is there a way to become less stressed? What are the negative effects of stress on our minds, bodies, and relationships with others? Yeah, stress is part of life- so what?

Here's what- According to the American Institute of Stress, our built up anxiety and worries cost us as a nation an annual $380 billion each year directly through medical bills and indirectly through lost productivity. This is far from healthy. While perusing the AIS's website in search of more information on the negative effects of stress, I found out that stress is the basic cause for an alarming sixty percent of disease and illness. The mind and body are very much connected, so this is no surprise. This happy-killer also increases our risk of heart disease, strokes, and cardiac arrest. The loss of sleep and unhealthy eating habits that spawn from stress is sure to put you in a fog during the day. This makes happiness really hard for students, employees, parents, teachers- you name it.

Time and time again, we search for the root of our stress. In America, it's work. Work work work. Chances are your 9 to 5 doesn't have great benefits if you're in America- the average American gets 18 days off from work a year. In France, the average worker gets seven weeks off. (Not a misprint!)

What has led us to value the things that stress us out over happiness? Why would we rather be stressed in a more expensive house than spend happy, peaceful time in a less expensive house? These are just some of the things I want to discover and build upon this year as I continue my thinking.

"Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive."


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